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hunky feeling formula ✨

This is the formula I’ve been using for the past couple years, for both YouTube subliminals and paid custom subliminal requests. It’s effective, it’s powerful, it never lets me down. 


Inspired by the Father of Manifestation, Neville Goddard, “HUNKY FEELING FORMULA” is all about living from the powerful state of the wish fulfilled. According to Neville, an intention (the thought of a desire) is incomplete without the feeling of already having the desire. It’s a feeling similar to relief. It’s joy. It’s infinite gratitude.


Think of it this way: you order a leather jacket online from your favorite brand. You pay for it online using your credit card. You’re already freaking out and you feel excited because… IT’S YOURS! How is it yours? Well, you paid for it. Employees are packing it as we speak, the parcel will be brought to your doorstep by the mailman in no time. You KNOW it will arrive. You don’t doubt this. You don’t think “What if the leather jacket doesn’t exist?” or “What if it isn’t mine to have?”. You don’t even consider the idea of “I don’t deserve this leather jacket.” Of course you do, it’s yours, you chose it, added it to your basket and placed your order. From the 5D (your imagination), it will manifest its presence into the 3D (reality). All you have to do now is relax and KNOW it will arrive because it’s yours. You own it. 


That is how you must regard your desire. If you can’t, don’t worry. The “HUNKY FEELING FORMULA” takes care of this. It contains highly powerful and concise affirmations that will activate the feelings of GRATITUDE (already having the desire) and HAPPINESS (enjoying its presence). Your subconscious mind will accept those feelings as TRUE because it has no other choice. Your desire will manifest in divine timing. All you need to do is lay back and let your subconscious do the heavy lifting! 

hunky omnipotence formula 👑

This formula is the crowning achievement of my subliminal work. It’s absolutely magical. It taps into the subconscious mind’s greatest superpower. Feeling omnipotent is the feeling of being one with God. 


It is a feeling of being limitless, unstoppable, INVINCIBLE. It’s all about stepping into the shoes of the CREATOR. The most effective way to tap into this is to reprogram your subconscious mind to feel OMNIPOTENT.


The “HUNKY OMNIPOTENCE FORMULA” is a gamechanger. It contains 33 ultra-powerful affirmations that will take your desire and make it IRRESISTIBLE to your subconscious mind. We can add this formula to any kind of subliminal, the sky's the limit. 


All 33 affirmations are written in Planck time. What is Planck time? The shortest measurable time interval known to humankind. Think speed of light. Think no-time. Think NOW. 


The “HUNKY OMNIPOTENCE FORMULA” is the golden crown that is placed on top of your subconscious mind - it makes manifestation quicker than instant. There’s nothing else like it. You’re going to love it.

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"Hunky Steph Audio was created out of sheer curiosity. My skepticism pushed me to make my own, fully human subliminal audios. Subliminals can become your secret accessory. They boost your confidence, improve your mood, and reprogram your unique subconscious mind. This is luxury compressed into a deluxe quality audio with a loving human touch."

Stephanie - Founder of Hunky Steph Audio

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